Design, Web, Content, Apps
Project Management & More

your digital MARKETING experts

Ok, I'll admit it - if my vehicle broke down, I wouldn't have a clue how to fix it. My mechanic takes care of all of that leaving me to do the things I want to do.

mantravision are expert digital marketing mechanics – getting under your organisation's hood and fine-tuning or customising your digital projects so that you get every last bit of power, style and performance.

Let us worry about all that 'geeky' stuff. After all you've got better things to do.

find out more


mantravision is a collective of digital experts led out by David McKay. David's foundation is in graphic and web design with digital marketing and project management skills constantly being developed as the natural result of 15+yrs of planning and producing a wide range of projects.
We've done everything from letterhead and vehicle graphics to e-commerce solutions for marketing campaigns for NZ icons like Bluebird, Watties and TVNZ and other corporates such as McDonalds and Unilever.

Our Skills

    Digital (web, mobile, multimedia) 92%

  • Communications & Marketing 76%

  • Project Management 85%

Find out why we haven't said 100% across the board »

Who We Are

Our team is fluid and adaptable - we only bring collective members online for the work on hand. Your budget is going directly into your project rather than subsidising fancy offices.

What We're Working on Right Now

SEO, iOS & Android mobile apps, branding, new web site design and development, illustration, interactive multimedia educational resources, a non-profit business community-building CMS, a responsive site upgrade and social media integration, and other EDM and digital marketing campaigns.


Digital, creative, marketing, communications, information and technology services are just a few of the types of projects we've worked on. Check out some of the highlights:


We excel at getting you the most bang for your buck - we don't compromise on quality, but if what you need is a Corolla we won't try and sell you on a Ferrari. So we're big fans of opensource software (like Drupal, Joomla, WordPress and Silverstripe). If your ride needs a bit of pimping we can do that too.

Digital Consultancy

We are your technology experts. We specialise in helping small businesses and organizations to use the tools they already have to their full capacity so they can make more money with less time.


HTML(5), Responsive, CSS3, SASS, Bootstrap, jQuery, PHP or MySQL, Hosting or Domain management, Social Media or SEO you'll be hard pressed to find a web acronym we haven't or can't work with.

Project Management

Proposals, reports, contracts, SLAs, coordination, internal and external comms, corporate services or even booking the catering for meetings - we take care of it all for you, no muss no fuss.


Now you can be part of the mobile marketing hotness without six-figure budgets. We have systems designed for small businesses such as gyms and restaraunts, as well as fully custom apps for more individualised needs.


Got a great idea, but aren't sure how to make it happen? Already have a great brand and functioning web site, but are getting lost in Google search results? When we just said "brand" and "search results" you're not sure why those things are important? Drop us a line and we'll talk about giving your digital marketing a tune-up.

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